/How we can help you
How we can help you 2021-07-08T17:43:12+00:00

Halitosis can be treated successfully.

The discovery of the most common causes of halitosis, combined with the implementation of modern diagnostic tools and the development of highly effective therapies mean that medical treatment is possible in almost all cases.

It is vital to share the successful results obtained from research on a condition that most people still believe to have no cure, and which for too long has been absent from the scientific landscape.

If you suffer from halitosis, seek out a professional health specialist.

Halitosis must be tackled as a medical issue. A wide range of sources of information on the possible causes, diagnosis and treatment of the condition currently exist, particularly on the internet. This information must be treated with caution and without ruling out a consultation with a professional healthcare specialist with experience in the diagnosis and treatment of halitosis.

Halitosis must be approached as a medical problem that can indicate of an underlying disease, and therefore not a mere aesthetic or cosmetic issue.

Treatment stages.

Before we start treatment, first we need to obtain an etiologic diagnosis (which determines the origin or cause of the halitosis). For this reason, at the first consultation patients provide their details, current health status and any pre-existing conditions which can trigger or predispose halitosis.

The next stage is performing a series of tests which aim to identify the root cause: the computerised breath analysis that uses…

gas chromatography and analysis of the saliva and functioning of the salivary glands by means of various microbiological and enzyme tests on samples of plaque bacteria and saliva.

There is no “one size fits all” treatment for halitosis. The right treatment will be the most up-to-date and effective way of treating the conditions in question or their underlying causes.

The monitoring or final stage begins after the remission of halitosis and usually involves one or two follow-up consultations. This final stage is needed in order to instruct the patient on the preventative measures and procedures for ensure the durability of the results. Improvements to the breath can be clearly observed from the patient’s attitude, especially in the degree of confidence they display in relation to their breath.

Success of the HCP Arthyaga® protocol

The phenomena associated with halitosis can be found in different parts of the body: the mouth, nose, throat, lungs, stomach, intestines, kidney, liver etc. For this reason, the Breath Institute collaborates with health professionals from many different fields: dentists, doctors specialising in stomatology, otolaryngology, gastroenterology, internal medicine, nephrology, clinical analysis, immunology and allergology, as well as psychologists and nutritionists.

One of the most notable achievements to have come out of this multidisciplinary collaboration is the implementation of the HCP Arthyaga® protocol for the clinical treatment and diagnosis of halitosis. The HCP Arthyaga® protocol has earned international recognition for its 97% overall success rate.

In fact, according to key international medical databases (PubMed/Medline, Scopus, ISI-Web of Knowledge, etc.). the success rate of the HCP Arthyaga® is currently the highest in the field. From a sample of 704 patients who specifically sought treatment for halitosis, 96.6% were completely cured of the condition; 0.6% showed signs of a biological response (although the halitosis was eliminated, the patients did not feel psychologically cured); 0.1% partially responded to the treatment (complete remissions were not recorded although the halitosis had subsided); and only 1.8% showed no response to treatment (no improvement was recorded). Obsessive compulsive disorders related to the false belief of suffering from halitosis (halitophobia) are more difficult to treat due to the difficulty experienced by patients in acknowledging their condition and agreeing to seek psychological or psychiatric treatment.

How does a breath consultation work?

This video shows how breath consultation with Doctor Jonas Nunes (Director of the Breath Institute) works and explains the stages of our treatment.

1º CONSULTATION: samples and medical records taken (Breath Analysis)

2º CONSULTATION: treatment begins. The origin or cause of the halitosis is determined and your treatment plan is decided.

3º CONSULTATION: the first check-up confirms the success of the treatment and establishes any changes to the treatment, if required.

4º CONSULTATION: the second check-up confirms the permanent elimination of halitosis, the patient is discharged and given final instructions for staying halitosis-free.